San Francisco Events for the People of Burma

Upcoming San Francisco Events to Support the People of Burma
Friday, October 5
Please join our friends in the Burmese community for:
Peace for Burma: March and Prayer Vigil from 2-8 pm
2 - 5 pm: Rally and meditation at Chinese consulate, 1450
Leguna Street, San Francisco
5:00 - 5:40 pm: Peace March to United Nations Plaza Market Street
Between 7th & 8th
(Let's give democracy a voice in Burma by recreating the peaceful
protest they intended. Monks and lay persons peacefully marching with
Sassana flags reciting Metta Sutta)
6 - 8pm: Multi-religion Prayer Service at United Nations Plaza
For more info, see the website of the Burma American Democratic
Alliance: or contact: nyuntthan@gmail. com
Saturday, October 6
Meditation vigil at 12 noon at the Civic Center Plaza, San Francisco
(in front of City Hall), organized by the Buddhist Peace Fellowship.
Please wear red or maroon, and bring a meditation cushion and/or
blanket to sit on if you'd like. This will be a mostly silent vigil,
but we will chant the Metta Sutta. Speakers include Rev. Hozan Alan
Senauke of the Buddhist Peace Fellowship.
The meditation will focus on lovingkindness, directed to:
* Honor the Buddhist monks and nuns who have taken leadership to
end oppression and hardship under the military dictatorship
* Honor the many who lost their lives in their acts of
courageous defiance
* Honor the hundreds who are injured, imprisoned, and tortured
* Show solidarity with the people of Burma in their noble cause
* Fill the hearts and minds of soldiers with compassion
* Free the constricted minds and hearts of the generals of
destructive greed, insecurity, and fear
* Encourage the international community, particularly those
nations that have influence with the Burmese generals, to do all in
their power to help bring about peace and democracy in Burma
For more information on the Burma situation, please visit:
http://www.bpf. org/html/ whats_now/ 2007/burma_ main.html Link
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