Driving for Burma -- Si Thu Visits Berkeley

Monday night in Berkeley I attended an event to help raise awareness about the situation in Burma. We watched a 24-minute Frontline video, then a highly revered 81-year-old Buddhist monk, Masoeyein Sayadaw, spoke on the situation in his native Burmese language (with an English translator) followed by Q & A. At some point we heard from Si Thu, who is Burmese but now lives in Canada. He said he was using one month of vacation time to drive across North America and help raise awareness about Burma. As it says on his blog, drivingforburma.blogspot.com, he was, "a student activist in the 1988 democracy uprising in Burma and fled the country after the Burmese army brutally cracked down the popular movement. He arrived in Canada a decade ago and lives in Toronto."
Here's more of Si Thu's story from his blog:
"His solo driving journey started out on December 1, 2007 at Toronto. His car, emblazoned with the word “Free Burma”, pictures of Burmese democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi and monks, turns many heads as he drives through major cities in the U.S as part of a 15,436 kilometre drive across North America stopping off at key cities to address politicians, dignitaries, campaigners and Burmese exiles.
He will arrive in Vancouver on Dec. 22 and continues to raise awareness on the situation in Burma with the support of local activists. Canadian Friends of Burma (CFOB) supports his initiative and is providing necessary assistance and arrangements during his tour in Canada."
Out of curiosity I asked him what his job was back in Toronto. He said, "I'm a supervisor." It was clear that he didn't want to say what he supervised, but of course I asked anyway. He kind of shrugged, smiled, and said, "Of a company that provides bathroom supplies." If you ask me, that's a great business to be in because everybody needs bathroom supplies and that need isn't going anywhere, no matter what happens to the economy!
Anyway, my hat is off to Si Thu--somebody who is a true hero for the people of Burma, doing whatever he can think of to help, including a solo drive across North America in a sporty BMW that says FREE BURMA in bright red letters on the side! Link
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