
Maha Ghosananda Dies

I never saw this famous Cambodian Buddhist monk in person, but there is a wonderful photo of him bowing very deeply to the Dalai Lama. The Dalai Lama is bowing just as deeply in the photo, and it turns out they were honoring each other by trying to bow the deepest to one another. Somehow that tells you everything you need to know about Maha Ghosananda.

Preah Maha Ghosananda, the wonderful, boundlessly kind monk whom many have called Cambodia’s Gandhi, died in the U.S. on Monday (3/12) at about 8 a.m.

We will be chanting for him all afternoon here in Cambodia. Please let everyone know via this network of other services.

It is the kind of loss that cannot be measured.

in the dharma,

beth goldring

brahmavihara/cambodia AIDS project

phnom penh



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