
Free Hugs Campaign Video

Click on the title above to watch an entertaining video of this guy that looks a little like John Lennon (long hair and glasses, anyway) giving out free hugs to the general public. It includes great music by the sick puppies. This is my holiday feel-good posting!

Here's an inspirational dharma quote for you, too:

The Road Map to Enlightenment
By B. Alan Wallace, Tibetan Buddhism from the Ground Up

The Buddha's teachings are unusual in that they explain at great length the nature of his enlightenment and the types of meditative disciplines he used to gain his insights. He left us a road map to enlightenment. Indeed, his chief motivation for teaching was to lead others to the spiritual awakening he experienced. Statements attributed to the Buddha make it very clear that all sentient beings have the capacity to become Buddhas, and that his own realizations occurred by practicing the Dharma he taught. Over the past 2,500 years the Buddha's teachings have been tested experientially by thousands of the greatest sages of Asia. Many have verified for themselves the Buddha's words and have achieved the same realizations he did.
--B. Alan Wallace, Tibetan Buddhism from the Ground Up



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